2 min readMay 27, 2020


What is beauty but the quality or aggregate of qualities in a person or thing that gives pleasure to the senses. The interpretation of beauty itself doesn’t have the word ‘face’ or ‘body’ in it yet we all seemed to associate the word beauty with something related to appearance. As if the only thing that we should and could cherish about ourselves is our face and body. If you have unfortunate looks then you should be sorry about yourself because you’re not going to get anything in life.

This situation got me thinking, is there really such a thing as “Beauty Privilege”?

Pale skin, dark skin, circular eyes, full eyebrow, full lips, thin lips, sharp nose, nice dimple, smooth skin, freckles, straight hair, and all sort of things that could keep someone awake at 3 am because they miscalculate their self-worth by multiplying their insecurities are nothing but trivial things that kept people busy from seeing what truly matters.

We, as women tend to have this kind of insecurities more often. Maybe it’s due to our nature? or maybe it’s how the society have shaped us? That girls are supposed to be nice and beautiful and kind and loving and smart and beautiful and pretty and beauti — whatever.

I can’t help but acknowledge the fact that human have some sort of inclination toward things that are easy to look at or what we usually refer to as beauty. It’s been inherently hard for us to neglect this fact because we’re sentient beings that are aware of our own feelings and have the ability to perceive things. Hence, beauty is one variable (amongst dozens other variable) that contributes to one’s ‘success’.

We, as a society should understand that beauty is relative to the subject and you will never be able to have an exact measurement of what’s deemed to be beautiful. I think beauty is more about the your existence as whole, rather than miniscule piece of information about you from your face or your body, or your hair, or your appearance in general.

Yes, you should take care of your body/face with delicate care because it’s a part of your existence as a whole, not because it’s the only thing that defines your beauty as a human being.

At the end of the day, maybe beauty privilege truly exists but we as a society has failed to interpret beauty as the quality or aggregate of qualities in a person or thing that gives pleasure to the senses.

